Saya nak kongsi satu resepi cheesecake yang saya dapat dari seorang kawan [kak sal] yang baik hati telah sudi berkongsi resepi ini suatu ketika dahulu. Pertama kali saya rasa kek cheese nie dari tangan Kak Sal ler masa tu kita ada small gath kat Penang. Pertama kali rasa pun memang dah taktau nk cakap apa..seriously..mmg sedap sgt! Lepas pada tu saya order sebijik dari Kak Sal untuk birthday Yusra [masa tu umur Yusra 3-4 tahun kot] if tak silap laa. Kendian saya kecek-kecek laa dgn tuan empunya badan..alhamdulillah, Kak Sal mmg baik hati. Jadi saya pulak nk kongsi dgn kawan-kawan seme resepi cheesecake nie.
[gambar yg kat atas tu ialah gambar lama-lama yg saya korek balik..mmg tak lawa..tapi jgn pandang pada gambar yea..kena buat dah rasa hasilnya]
Pistachio Cheesecake
[Thanks to Kak Sal]
110 gm butter
200 gm digestive biscuits [Mc Vites], dihancurkan
50 gm cornflakes
30 gm brown sugar
Cara-cara :-
1. Melt butter in a pan then add brown sugar followed by biscuits and cornflakes. Fry till dry.
2. Spread in the baking tray. Guna loyang bersaiz 9 inci. Tekan hingga padat.
60 gm white cooking chocolate, cairkan dgn kaedah double boil
1 1/2 tbs fresh milk
20 gm grounded pistachio
Cara-cara :-
1. Cairkan white cooking choc kemudian campurkan fresh milk. Gaulkan.
2. Tuang bahan campuran ini di atas base.
3. Spread grounded pistachio on top.
4. Keep in freezer for 1/2 hour.
3. Spread grounded pistachio on top.
4. Keep in freezer for 1/2 hour.
Cheese Filling/
[sour cream]
300 gm whipping cream
1 1/2 tbs lemon juice
350 gm white cooking chocolate, potong kecil-kecil
45 gm melted butter
Cara-cara :-
1. Campurkan whipping cream dan lemon juice utk menghasilkan sour cream. Ketepikan.
Cara-cara :-
1. Campurkan whipping cream dan lemon juice utk menghasilkan sour cream. Ketepikan.
2. Cairkan white cooking chocolate dgn kaedah double boil kemudian tambah butter diikuti sour cream tadi. Gaul semua bahan hingga sebati, ketepikan.
500 gm cream cheese
50 gm castor sugar + 20 gm tpg jagung [campur ke dua2 bhn ini di dlm sebuah mangkuk]
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 eggs size A, slightly beaten
120 gm blended pistachio
40 gm coarsely chopped pistachio
Cara-cara :-
1. Beat cream cheese at low speed till fluffy.
2. Mix castor sugar and cornflour and add into cream cheese follow by vanilla essence.
3. Then add eggs, one portion at a time [3 times].
4. Kemudian tuang bhn campuran sour cream tadi. Masukkan juga blended dan chopped pistachio kemudian gaul sebati.
2. Mix castor sugar and cornflour and add into cream cheese follow by vanilla essence.
3. Then add eggs, one portion at a time [3 times].
4. Kemudian tuang bhn campuran sour cream tadi. Masukkan juga blended dan chopped pistachio kemudian gaul sebati.
5. Keluarkan base, tuang adunan ini di atas base.
6. Bake in a pre-heat oven at 140'C for 1 1/2 hour using water bath method.
7. Switch off oven. Leave cake inside the oven for 1/2 hour then pour away the water but still leave the cake inside the oven with door slightly open for another 6 hrs.
7. Switch off oven. Leave cake inside the oven for 1/2 hour then pour away the water but still leave the cake inside the oven with door slightly open for another 6 hrs.
50 gm white cooking chocolate
40 gm grounded pistachio
Cara-cara :-
1. Double boil to melt the chocolate.
2. Spread on top of the cake and sprinkle pistachio.
3. Keep in the fridge for another 6 hours before serving.
1. Double boil to melt the chocolate.
2. Spread on top of the cake and sprinkle pistachio.
3. Keep in the fridge for another 6 hours before serving.